Praying For Your Business

The idea that it’s wrong to ask God for anything seems hard-hearted and unspiritual. I know several Christians who were taught this by their parents, but as an adult myself; I realize how detrimental such advice can be on one’s spiritual life because when we come down from relying solely upon ourselves in our daily life–we realize just what impact these words have had or will continue having. 

So instead: Make sure you’re seeking His kingdom first…and trust He will provide all else! This applies to your business too.

1 Peter 5:7 tells us, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” We can rest assured that our Father in heaven cares about us. He knows what we need before even asking, and He always welcomes a prayer for those needs as well!

It’s important to realize that worry isn’t prayer and the two are not interchangeable!

Prayer is an important part of life, especially for business owners. It’s during those quiet moments where you can hear from God about how he plans on providing your needs and give clarity about the future direction your business should take.

God wants to work in your business. He has a plan for your business, and it’s not just about making money. He wants to use you in creative ways as well so keep taking risks even when things get tough because there will always come times where everything works out perfectly again – trust me on this one from personal experience (I’m talking major miracle).

God is always working for us, and we need to ask him in our prayers. If you want a better understanding of what he has planned for your business today then take out some paper or start an online prayer journal so that when things are tough all the way through this process-you can look back at how many times He has guided and helped you!

You will be amazed.

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